Dante Refounder - Jean Lacroix
Digital book | Paper book (€36)
Like Florence, his homeland, destroyed in the dark ages of the barbarian invasions before being "refounded", as recalled in Canto XIII of the Inferno , humanity is going through a crisis in Dante's eyes, at the beginning of the 14th century, so serious that it can only call for a moral, spiritual and political renovation. It is with this refounding aim that he composes his 'sacred poem' during the years of exile, in order to recall the final ends, indicate the path of reform, build a progression, from chaos to perfect order, thus acquiring the stature of the scriba Dei , poet and prophet.
In this book, Jean Lacroix follows the multiple paths suggested by the lexicon, thematic options and figurative choices of Dante the poet, by reconstructing through repeated journeys, from Hell to Paradise, the different sensory and conceptual aspects of Dante the character's journey towards his salvation. Drawing on multiple references, he underlines the strength of a poetic approach that aims to give substance, through the alta fantasia , to a redemptive message, by mobilizing all its means of expression against the unspeakable.
Jean Lacroix (1934-2014), a former student of the ENS de Saint-Cloud, an Italian agrégé, was a professor at the Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3 University from 1969 to 1999. He is the author of numerous studies on Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, the genre of the short story and the writings of artists of the Quattrocento and Cinquecento.
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ISBN 978-2-313-00557-6