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Probability of suffering from Alzheimer's disease in 2050

Posted by Michel Morvan on

Alzheimer's disease affects us more and more. We all know someone more or less close to us whose life is turned upside down by the appearance of the first symptoms and their evolution.

If you are over 65 in 2050, you will have a nearly 10% chance of being affected by a neurocognitive disease such as Alzheimer's, according to the Fondation Vaincre Alzheimer. This is almost twice as much as today , when one million people over 65 are already affected.

Alzheimer's disease is scary. For everyone.

But it is difficult to imagine what an Alzheimer's patient goes through, what he feels.

In Chronicles of Oblivion , Olivia Marie, a doctor, invites us to discover the wrongly demonized world of the "retirement home", or EHPAD . Through the daily lives of the characters, we will perceive the human interactions that contribute to life. Because, if we die there, we also live there . Despite the illness. Despite forgetting. Despite death. We will be able, by reading this book, to better understand how much forgetting can be painful , and how tolerance and listening prove to be salutary. An act of faith, love, sometimes anger, an educational tool, this novel is aimed at everyone, young and old, in the hope of giving some keys to taming difference. A difference that concerns us, or will concern us, all .

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